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Post algebras and ternary adders


Except for qubits for which the different possible values are unordered, the different values of m-valued circuits either with voltage levels, current levels or charge levels are totally ordered. Either at the Math level (Post algebras) or at the circuit level, it means that each multiple valued level must be decomposed into binary levels, processed with binary computation and finally converted into a multiple valued level. Using ternary adders as example, we show that the ternary-to-binary decoding and binary encoding should be applied to the whole adder or to restricted parts of the adder. The second approach using multiplexers leads to the most efficient ternary adders. However, a comparison with binary adders shows that the ternary-to-binary and binary-to-ternary conversions is the reason for which the binary adders are more efficient.


Except for qubits, for which the different possible values are unordered, the different values of m-valued circuits are totally ordered. This is true whatever electrical support is used: voltage levels, current levels, number of charges. It means that the algebras corresponding to these m different values are some flavor of Post algebras. All variants of Post algebras decompose each multiple value into binary values. It means that the m-valued circuits use m-valued to binary decoders and binary to m-valued encoders. In this paper, the considered ternary full adders are compared to the corresponding binary ones. Two implementations of the ternary full adder are considered: a naive one and a MUX-based one. In both cases, ternary-to-binary and binary-to-ternary conversions are used. The results can be easily extended to ternary multipliers or extended to quaternary adders or multipliers.

The paper is organized as follows:

  • Post algebra with 3 values is first presented.

  • Two opposite techniques to synthesize a ternary full adder are then presented

  • The methodology to compare MUX-based ternary adders and binary adders is presented

  • The performance of a ternary full adder using a “state-of-the art” technique is compared with the performances of binary full adders.

  • A 6-bit carry propagate adder (CPA) is compared with a 4-trit CPA.

  • The conclusion summarizes why ternary adders are less efficient than the corresponding binary ones processing the same amount of information.

Post algebras

Post algebra has been introduced in 1921 [1]. There exist several systems of Post algebra, which are isomorphic [2]. The monotonic system of Post algebra is used, as it is the most suitable for circuit implementation.

Monotonic system of Post algebra when \(m=3\)

The presentation is limited to \(m=3\) as the implementation of ternary circuits is studied.

Definition: Let \(m=3\). A monotonic algebraic system is a distributive lattice M with a null element 0 and a universal element 2 for which the following axioms are verified. To be consistent with the logical operators that will be presented later, the notation of the axioms is slightly changed while keeping their meaning.

Axiom 1: M has 3 elements \(e_0\), \(e_1\) et \(e_2\) such as

  • \(0=e_0<e_1<e_2=2\)

  • if \(x, e_i \in M\) and \(x.e_i = 0\) \((i \ne 0),\) then \(x=0\)

  • if \(x, e_i, e_j \in M\) and \(x + e_i = e_j\) \((i < j),\) then \(x=e_j\)

Axiom 2: There exist a set of unary operators \(X_n(x), X_p(x), \overline{X_n}(x), \overline{X_p}(x) \) such as

  • \(X_n(x) = 2\) if \(x < 1\) else 0 if \(x \ge 1\)

  • \(X_p(x) = 2\) if \(x < 2\) else 0 if \(x = 2)\)

  • \(\overline{X_n}(x) = 0\) if \(x < 1\) else 2 if \(x \ge 1)\)

  • \(\overline{X_p}(x) = 0\) if \(x < 2\) else 2 if \(x =2)\)

The unary operators translate a ternary input into a binary output, as shown in Table 1. The gates that implement the \(X_n\) and \(X_p\) unary operators are called negative inverter (NI) and positive inverter (PI). They are presented in Fig. 1. The binary-to-ternary conversion is implemented by the circuit shown in Fig. 2 corresponding to Table 3.

Table 1 Post-unary operators when m=3
Table 2 Ternary complement
Fig. 1
figure 1

Threshold detectors

Fig. 2
figure 2

Encoder circuit for the direct implementation

Fig. 3
figure 3

General scheme of m-valued circuits

Fig. 4
figure 4

Sum circuit-version 1

Fig. 5
figure 5

Carry circuit-version 1

Fig. 6
figure 6

Sum circuit-version 2

Fig. 7
figure 7

Carry circuit-version 2

Synthesis of a ternary function

Let consider the example of the unary ternary function shown in Table 2.

Table 3 Ternary encoder
Table 4 Truth table of a ternary full adder

\(y = y_2 + y_1\) where \(y_2\) is y(a) for which y=2 and \(y_1\) is y(a) for which y=1.

  • \(y_2 = a_0 = an \)

  • \(y_1 = a_1 = \overline{an}.ap\)

\( y = an + \overline{an}.ap\)

While the unary operators \(an, ap, \overline{an}, \overline{ap} \) are the ternary-to-binary decoders, the output of the function is obtained by a binary-to-ternary encoder. (\(y_1\) and \(y_2\) are the binary inputs of this encoder.)

Table 5 Proposed TFAs in the last decade
Table 6 Transistor diameters
Fig. 8
figure 8

\(\hbox {A}^1\) and \(\hbox {A}^2\) circuits

Fig. 9
figure 9

3-Input MUX with ternary control

Fig. 10
figure 10

1-Trit full adder (MUX approach)

Fig. 11
figure 11

\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{out}\) carry propagation in a full adder

Fig. 12
figure 12

4-Digit carry propagate adder

Fig. 13
figure 13

RC effect with series of transmission gates

Fig. 14
figure 14

\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{out}\) carry improved propagation with capacitive loads in a full adder

Fig. 15
figure 15

Ternary input waveform

Synthesis of a ternary full adder

The truth table of a ternary full adder is presented in Table 4. A, B and S are the ternary inputs and output, while \(C_{\rm in}\) and \(C_{\rm out}\) are the binary carries. It should be mentioned that ternary adders have binary carries and not ternary ones. While ternary-to-binary decoding and binary-to-ternary encoding are mandatory, there are two opposite techniques to implement a ternary adder.

Direct implementation

The direct implementation corresponds to the general scheme of m-valued circuits presented in Fig. 3. The following notations are used: Ai/Bi/Si corresponds to A/B/S=i (i=0,1,2). According to Table 4, when \(C_{\rm in}\)=0, then

  • \(S0_{C0} = A0B0+A1B2+A2B1 \)

  • \(S1_{C0} = A0B1+A1B0+A2B2\)

  • \(S2_{C0} = A0B2+A1B1+A2B0\)

  • \(C_{outC0} = A2B1 + A1B2+A2B2\)

When \(C_{\rm in}\)=1, then

  • \(S0_{C1}\) = S2\(_{C0}\)

  • \(S1_{C1}\) = S0\(_{C0}\)

  • \(S2_{C1}\) = S1\(_{C0}\)

  • \(C_{outC1}\) = A2+B2+A1B1

In any case,

  • \(A0=An, A1=\overline{An}.Ap, A2=\overline{Ap}\)

  • \(B0=Bn, B1=\overline{Bn}.Bp, B2=\overline{Bp}\)

The methodology used to implement and simulate the ternary circuits will be detailed in the section Methodology. For the moment, we just mention

  • CNTFET technology is used. It has the same circuit styles than CMOS technology.

  • Ternary circuits are implemented with two power supplies V\(_{dd}\) and V\(_{dd}\)/2 as ternary circuits with only one power supply exhibit static power dissipation for level 1.

Two possible implementations can be considered for the direct approach:

Fig. 16
figure 16

Ternary carry waveforms

Fig. 17
figure 17

Binary input and carry waveforms

Fig. 18
figure 18

Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance of ternary adders with 0.45V and 0.9V carry values

Fig. 19
figure 19

\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance of ternary adders with 0.45V and 0.9V carry values

Fig. 20
figure 20

TFA-Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum delays according to \(C_{L}\)

Fig. 21
figure 21

TFA-\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum delays according to \(C_{L}\)

Fig. 22
figure 22

TFA-Power dissipation according to \(C_{L}\)

Implementation with A0, A1, A2, B0, B1, B2

The corresponding sum circuit is shown in Fig. 4. It directly corresponds the previously written equations. The circuit is divided in three parts.

  • A and B ternary inputs are decomposed into A0, A1, A2, B0, B1 and B2 binary outputs. \(A_n\), \(A_p\), \(B_n\) and \(B_p\) are the outputs of the circuits shown in Fig. 1 that implement the unary functions of Table 1. The inverters and NOR gates use the typical CMOS circuit style.

  • The second binary part first computes \(\overline{S0_{C0}}\), \(\overline{S1_{C0}}\), \(\overline{S2_{C0}}\) using complex gates (combination of series/parallel patterns of transistors). Two multiplexers are controlled by \(C_{\rm in}\) switches \(\overline{S0_{C0}}\), \(\overline{S1_{C0}}\), \(\overline{S2_{C0}}\) outputs to a and b inputs of the final encoder.

  • The final encoder is presented in Fig. 2.

With the same approach, the corresponding \(C_{\rm out}\) circuit is shown in Fig. 5.

The overall transistor count is 74 T + 44 T = 118 T.

Fig. 23
figure 23

14T Binary full adder-BFA

Fig. 24
figure 24

Binary adders-Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum - \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF

Fig. 25
figure 25

Binary adders-\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum - \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF

Fig. 26
figure 26

BFA-input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum delays according to \(C_{L}\)

Fig. 27
figure 27

BFA-\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum delays according to \(C_{L}\)

Fig. 28
figure 28

BFA-power dissipation according to \(C_{L}\)

Fig. 29
figure 29

Comparing 6-bit and 4-trit CPAs with \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF

Implementation using An, Ap, Bn, Bp

It could be observed that

  • \(A0=An, A1=\overline{An}.Ap, A2=\overline{Ap}\)

  • \(B0=Bn, B1=\overline{Bn}.Bp, B2=\overline{Bp}\)

The sum circuit can be implemented from \(A_n\), \(A_p\), \(B_n\) and \(B_p\) and the corresponding complemented values (Fig. 6). The binary part is similar to the corresponding part in Fig. 4 except that some AND gates have 3 inputs instead of 2 (\(A1=\overline{An}.Ap\) and \(B1=\overline{Bn}.Bp\)). The corresponding carry circuit is shown in Fig. 7.

The overall transistor count is 82 T + 46 T = 128 T.

Comments on the direct approach

Both implementations have a huge number of transistors. It means that this approach is the worst one. There is no need to simulate these circuits. It is quite obvious that they would have large propagation delays and large chip area.

MUX-based implementation

The MUX approach is based on a different way to consider Table 4:

When \(C_{\rm in}\)=0

  • When B=0, then Sum=A

  • When B=1, then Sum = (A+1) mod(3) quoted as \(A^{1}\)

  • When B=2, then Sum = (A+2) mod(3) quoted as \(A^{2}\)

  • When B=0, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=0

  • When B=1, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=1 when \(A=2\) else 0

  • When B=2, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=1 when \(A>0\) else 0

When \(C_{\rm in}\)=1

  • When B=0, then Sum=\(A^{1}\)

  • When B=1, then Sum=\(A^{2}\)

  • When B=2, then Sum= A

  • When B=0, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=1 when \(A=2\) else 0

  • When B=1, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=1 when \(A>0\) else 0

  • When B=2, then \(C_{\rm out}\)=1

Post-unary functions (Table 1) are implemented by the threshold detectors shown in Fig. 1. The \(A^{1}\) and \(A^{2}\) operators (Fig. 8) are derived from \(A_n\) and \(A_p\) outputs of the threshold detectors. So the ternary-to-binary decoding (threshold detectors) and binary-to-ternary encoding (\(A^{1}\) and \(A^{2}\)) process is limited to the generation of \(A^{1}\) and \(A^{2}\) outputs. Then, two 3-input MUXes are controlled by B switch A, \(A^{1}\), \(A^{2}\) to \(Sum_0\) and \(Sum_1\). Two other 3-input MUXes are controlled by B switch different binary carry values to \(\overline{C_{out0}}\) and \(\overline{C_{out1}}\). It should be noticed that these binary values are 0/2. One final MUX controlled by \(C_{\rm in}\) switches either \(Sum_0\) or \(Sum_1\) to Sum, while another one switches either \(\overline{C_{out0}}\) or \(\overline{C_{out1}}\) to \(\overline{C_{\rm out}}\). The final 1/0 \(C_{\rm out}\) is obtained using an inverter with V\(_{dd}\)/2 power supply.

The 3-input MUX circuit is shown in Fig. 9. The 2-input final MUXes are controlled by a binary value (\(C_{\rm in}\)). They use the typical 2-input MUXes with binary control.

In Table 4, the binary input and output carry values are 0/1, while A and B inputs have 0/1/2 values. However, when implementing ternary adders, the carry levels can be 0 and V\(_{dd}\)/2 (corresponding to 0/1 values) or 0 and V\(_{dd}\) (corresponding to 0/2 values). V\(_{dd}\) carry swing can be used as \(C_{\rm in}\) only controls the final MUXes and \(C_{\rm out}\) can also have a V\(_{dd}\) swing. There are few differences between V\(_{dd}\)/2 and V\(_{dd}\) carry versions that are outlined in Fig. 10. The V\(_{dd}\)/2 version uses a NI inverter to get \(C_{n},\) and the final carry inverter has a 0.45V power supply. For the V\(_{dd}\) version, \(C_{\rm in}\) and \(C_{\rm out}\) use inverters with V\(_{dd}\) power supply.

Some details should be mentioned:

  • In Figs. 9 and 10, some inverters look redundant. The point is that NI and PI inverters (Fig. 1) have poor driving capabilities. The added inverters are used as buffers.

  • The simplest circuit to get Sum and \(C_{\rm out}\) with final MUXes is shown in Fig. 11. However, in carry propagate adders (CPAs) shown in Fig. 12, there could be a direct propagation of carry values through a series of transmission gates with the RC effect shown in Fig. 13 that degrade the switching and propagation delays. This is the reason why an inverter is used to improve the propagation delays (Fig. 14).

The transistor counts are, respectively, 50 T (V\(_{dd}\)/2 carry values) and 48 T (V\(_{dd}\) carry values).

Related works

A lot of ternary full adders have been published in the last decade [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. They use different techniques quoted in Table 5 that range from direct implementation to MUX-based implementation. Transistor count is not a sufficient criterion to determine the best technique. However, considering Table 5 and a similar table comparing ternary half adders in [12], the technique using A¹ and A² operators and MUXes may be considered as the most efficient one.

Methodology to compare MUX-based ternary adders and binary ones

The significant figures to compare circuit designs include switching times, power dissipation, chip area, etc. The comparison is realized by using HSpice simulations and evaluating the chip area according to transistor sizes.

CNTFET technology

All simulations are done with the 32nm CNTFET parameters of Stanford library [13] as most papers presenting designs of ternary circuits in the last period use simulations with this 32 nm CNTFET technology. This allows us to compare our results with all published results on ternary circuits. One advantage of CNTFET technology is that the threshold levels of gates only depend on the diameter of individual transistors, which facilitates the design of m-valued circuits.

Propagation delays

In full adders, the important information is the propagation delay corresponding to the critical paths, i.e., from \(C_{\rm in}\) or Inputs to \(C_{\rm out}\) or Sum. For CPAs, the critical path is \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\), except for the first and last full adders. We will only present the propagation delays corresponding to the critical paths.

Power dissipation and power-delay product (PDP)

Both power dissipation and PDP directly depends on the duration of the input signals. It is important to use the same input signal for all designs. For all simulations, the input waveforms shown in Figs. 15, 16 and 17 are used. It has been verified that the delays for 0–2 or 2–0 ternary transitions are always less than for ternary transitions 0–1, 1–2, 2–1 or 1–0. These waveforms are used to compute the worst-case delays from Input (A or B) to Sum/\(C_{\rm out}\) and from \(C_{\rm in}\) to Sum/\(C_{\rm out}\).

Chip area

We use a rough evaluation of the chip area by summing the diameters of all the used transistors by each circuit. This rough evaluation is a little bit better than the transistor count. In this paper, the diameter values presented in Table 6 are used.

Circuit styles

Many techniques have been proposed to design full adders. Only techniques with the following properties are considered:

  • No static power dissipation

  • The circuit outputs have full swing. Reduced swings degrade noise margins and can degrade the operation of cascaded circuits, such as CPAs

  • The circuits should have a sufficient driving capability.

Performance of the ternary full adder

We now present the simulation results for the two versions of the ternary full adder presented in Fig. 10: One version has V\(_{dd}\)/2 carry levels (quoted as 0.45), and the second one has V\(_{dd}\) carry levels (quoted as 0.9) as V\(_{dd}\)=0.9V.

Performance with a 2 fF capacitive load

Figure 18 presents the Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance with a \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF capacitive load. Figure 19 presents the \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance with the same load.

The following remarks can be made when comparing \(V_{dd}/2\) and \(V_{dd}\) carry swings

  • Chip areas are equivalent

  • For Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance, the 0.45V version is slightly better than the 0.9V one.

  • However, the 0.9V version is better for Cin to Cout/Sum performance. For \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\) delay, which is the critical one in CPAs, the 0.9V delay is more than x2 reduced compared to the 0.45V version. The reason is that the final inverter with 0.9V power supply has more driving capability as the inverter with 0.45V power supply.

Delays and power according to capacitive load

With a log–log scale (except for \(C_{L}\) = 0 fF), Fig. 20 presents the input to outputs delays according to \(C_{L}\). Figure 21 presents the same information for \(C_{\rm in}\) to outputs delay, while Fig. 22 presents the evolution of power according to \(C_{L}\). Considering the different curves between \(C_{L}\) = 0.25fF and \(C_{L}\) = 4fF, it may be observed that the delay evolution is close to a linear one, with different slopes. Power increases more than linearly according to \(C_{L}\).

\(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\) path is through a multiplexer and an inverter, while \(C_{\rm in}\) to Sum is just through a multiplexer. The inverter restores the signal and has more driving capability than the multiplexer. It explains why the sum delay is more sensitive to capacitive load. Input to \(C_{\rm out}\) and Sum paths include the whole circuit. The final inverter delay for \(C_{\rm out}\) has a limited impact on the overall delay compared to Sum delay, which explain why these large delays do not increase much when \(C_{L}\) is multiplied by 16. Power increases from x2 to x3.

The Binary Full Adders

The considered ternary adders have 2 power supplies: V\(_{dd}\) and V\(_{dd}\)/2. It means that some transistors operate with a V\(_{dd}\)/2 voltage swing. To compare the ternary adders with binary adders, it makes sense to use two different power supplies for the binary adders: either V\(_{dd}\) or V\(_{dd}\)/2. Using V\(_{dd}\)/2 instead of V\(_{dd}\) roughly divides by four the dynamic power dissipation.

The 14T binary full adder (BFA) presented in Fig. 23 is used. It corresponds to the following equations:

  • Sum = a \(\oplus \) b \(\oplus \) c

  • If a \(\oplus \) b = 1, then \(C_{\rm out}\) = \(C_{\rm in}\) else \(C_{\rm out}\) = a

Performance with a 2 fF capacitive load

Figure 24 presents the Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance with \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF. Figure 25 presents the \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum performance with the same capacitive load. All powers for 0.45 V\(_{dd}\) are roughly 1/4 of the powers of 0.9 V\(_{dd}\) versions, leading to PDP slightly smaller or equivalent for both V\(_{dd}\). In [17], this binary adder has been compared with two other ones: the 28T typical CMOS implementation and a 34T MUX-based implementation. The simulated BFA (Fig. 23) is globally the most efficient one in terms of delays, PDP and \(\Sigma {Di}\) for the two different power supplies.

Delays and power according to capacitive load

The performance of the BFA according to capacitive loads are now presented. With a log–log scale, Fig. 26 presents the input to outputs delays according to \(C_{L}\). Figure 27 presents the same information for \(C_{\rm in}\) to outputs delays, while Fig. 28 presents the evolution of power according to \(C_{L}\). There is a quasi-linear evolution of delay and power according to \(C_{L}\). However, the binary adder structure is different of the MUX-based ternary adder structure: There is one MUX for \(C_{\rm out}\), but not a series of MUXes as in the Sum output of ternary adders. Globally, the binary adder is more sensitive to capacitive loads than the ternary ones.

Comparing 6-bit and 4-trit Carry Propagate Adders (CPAs)

The considered MUX-based ternary and binary adders can be used to build CPAs. The most significant information is to compare CPAs computing the same amount of information. 6-bit CPAs compute 6 bits of information, while 4-trit CPAs computes 6.34 bits of information, i.e., 6% more information.

Several 4-trit CPAs have been presented in the literature [5, 14, 15 and 16].

Both for binary and ternary adders, Input to \(C_{\rm out}\) delay is greater than \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\) delay. In CPAs, the critical path is thus from Input to \(C_{\rm out}\) for the first adder, then \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\) for the next ones and finally \(C_{\rm in}\) to Sum for the last one. It means that Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum provides the worst-case delays.

Figure 29 compares the performance of these two CPAs with the following variants: The ternary one uses 0–V\(_{dd}\)/2 or 0–V\(_{dd}\) carry swing, and the binary one uses V\(_{dd}\) or V\(_{dd}\)/2 power supplies. The simulation has been done with a \(C_{L}\) = 2 fF capacitive load and T = \(25^{\circ }\)C temperature. Other loads or temperatures would not change the results of the comparisons. From Fig. 29, the following conclusions can be deduced:

  • While the binary CPA uses more full adders, its estimated chip area is x0.45 the chip area of the ternary CPAs.

  • The ternary CPAs have less propagation delays when using full carry swing than when using V\(_{dd}\)/2 carry swing

  • The 0.45 V\(_{dd}\) binary CPAs have the smallest power dissipation, from 1/2 to 1/4 power dissipation of the other CPAs. While its input to sum delay is the worst one, this CPA has the lowest PDP both for sum and carry outputs.

While ternary CPAs have less full adders, they suffer from larger chip areas and do not provide significant advantages in terms of delays. The best CPA is the binary one with V\(_{dd}\) = 0.45V supply. Reducing power supply is possible with binary circuits, but is not possible with ternary circuits, as they would need a larger V\(_{dd}\) to handle the different voltage levels.

In this paper, binary and ternary CPAs have been compared. The overall results are similar for quaternary CPAs [17]. Paper [18] also shows that binary multipliers are more efficient than quaternary ones. It means that binary circuits are more efficient than ternary or quaternary ones to implement combinational circuits.

Concluding remarks

The ordered set of ternary values (\(0<1<2\)) implies using some flavor of Post algebras. The monotonic Post algebra is the best form to implement ternary circuits. With totally ordered set of values, ternary values should be decomposed into binary values (threshold decoders) and the binary values should be encoded as ternary values. Using binary computation within ternary circuits cannot be avoided. Two opposite approaches to implement ternary adders have been detailed:

  • The naive approach decomposes A and B ternary inputs into binary Ai and Bi for which Ai/Bi=2 when A/B=i (else Ai/Bi=0). Then, S0, S1 and S2 binary outputs are computed as functions of A0, A1, A2, B0, B1, B2. Finally, The ternary sum is computed by the final encoder as a function of S0, S1, S2 and \(C_{\rm in}\). The output carry is computed using the same approach.

  • The MUX-based approach limits the ternary-to-binary decoding and binary-to-ternary encoding to the implementation of A¹ and A² functions for which A¹=(A+1)mod 3 and A²=(A+2)mod 3. Then, the ternary values A, A¹ and A² are switched to the output sum according to B and Ci values using multiplexers. The carry output is computed using the threshold decoder outputs and multiplexers.

It turns out that the MUX-based approach outperforms the naive one. All the proposed ternary adders in the last decade fits within these two opposite approaches. The proposed and simulated MUX-based ternary adder is probably close to the best possible one. Two possible implementations differ with the carry values: either V\(_{dd}\)/2 or V\(_{dd}\). It should be mentioned that too long series of MUXes should be avoided as they degraded the switching times and propagation delays. For CPAs that propagate carries through the successive full adders, the adder carry output should be restored by an inverter.

We have evaluated the performance of this ternary adder and a 14T binary one in terms of worst-case propagation delays, power and PDP for Input to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum and \(C_{\rm in}\) to \(C_{\rm out}\)/Sum. The ternary and binary adders are compared with the implementation of a 6-bit CPA and a 4-trit CPA. These two CPAs compute approximately the same amount of information. Globally, the 4-trit CPAs are less efficient than the 6-bit CPAs:

  • The ternary CPAs use more than 2x the binary chip areas

  • When the ternary CPAs use a V\(_{dd}\) power supply, the binary ones can use either a V\(_{dd}\) or a V\(_{dd}\)/2 power supply. Using V\(_{dd}\)/2 power supply, the binary CPAs outperform the ternary ones in terms of power dissipation and PDP.

The fundamental weakness of ternary (and quaternary) combinational circuits comes from the mandatory ternary-to-binary decoding and binary-to-ternary encoding that exist both at the math (Post algebra) and the circuit levels. This allows to understand why ternary combinational circuits have been unsuccessful in the last 50 years.

Circuits using an ordered set of values can be successful in small niches. It is the case of m-valued flash memories that use different levels of electrical charges. 4-valued (MLC) flash memories store two bits per cell. 8-valued (TLC) memories store 3 bits per cell. In 2018, ADATA, Intel, Micron and Samsung have launched some SSD products using QLD NAND-memory with 4 bits per cell. They can be used as flash memory access times are not critical. While binary flash memories have the advantage of faster write speeds, lower power consumption and higher cell endurance, M-valued flash memories provide higher data density and lower costs


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Etiemble, D. Post algebras and ternary adders. Journal of Electrical Systems and Inf Technol 10, 20 (2023).

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