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Table 3 Performance efficiency of the implemented IoT protocols

From: Converging IoT protocols for the data integration of automation systems in the electrical industry

IoT protocol

Performance efficiency (based on ISO/IEC 25010)


Resource utilization


− (its packets take from 0.2 s to more than 1 s to achieve the server)

 + (it implements a constrained device 20 KB RAM and lightweight server)


 + (its lightweight packets require just a 2-byte header, achieving the fastest communication among the four implemented protocols)

 + (the broker and end devices are implemented seamlessly on constrained and small IP-enabled devices and its Pub/Sub feature enables bidirectionality)


 + (it can deal with hard real-time communication and Time Sensitive Networks for critical infrastructure)

– (It requires modeling the network before implementing and requires a dedicated server to manage all the events in the network)


 + (Even if it is not a too lightweight protocol, its packets, depending on the payload, are fast to achieve the server)

– (its endpoints require a dedicated server and their corresponding development for the available options -POST, PUT, GET, DELETE-, which makes this protocol a little complex to use, especially in small deployments)

  1. Notation: + means High performance, – means Low performance